I grew up in one of those Judeo-Christian homes that apparently strike terror in the hearts of the likes of Betty Friedan, Alan Grayson and Kathryn Joyce. My parents never had sex until they got married to each other. Theirs is an enduring...

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Friday, December 17, 2010

About Me

I grew up in one of those Judeo-Christian homes that apparently strike terror in the hearts of the likes of Betty Friedan, Alan Grayson and Kathryn Joyce.

My parents never had sex until they got married to each other. Theirs is an enduring and beautiful relationship of mutual understanding and admiration, and true love, a union advantageous to both parties.

They are still married, to each other. They put off their marriage almost a year waiting for the unreserved blessing of both sets of their parents, who are also still married to their first loves.

Terrible, isn't it, how many couples are perpetuating the dangerous patriarchy world view and the subjugation of women!

I think my parents' sex life could be rightly described as active and fulfilled, because my mom's eyes dance and her smile lights up her face when Dad comes up behind her in the kitchen and puts his hands around her hips.

I think it because after we saw The Princess Bride, Mom took me aside and said, "True love is real. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."

I think it because together they have fourteen children.

The baby is six. Everyone lives at home except two who are married. It's a great place to live! There's a party around the dinner table every night.

Through no fault of their own, it looks like my parents' child-bearing days are over. Mom is wistful for a baby now and then. But boy, is she ever enjoying life! I like to see her jump on the trampoline, use her gym membership and go skiing.

I wanted to have fourteen children, but I wanted God to write my romance story. If marriage is for life, yours had better be a good one, right?

I could wait a long time for a perfect match because Dad and Mom were super easy to live with. As an adult at home, they let me have my head. I could enjoy their home, their company, their counsel, and contribute to the family as I felt like it, and still feel free, independent and responsible.

I was not very young when I met a man worth pledging the love of my life to. We went from an expressed interest in each other to exchanging vows in four months, both knowing without a doubt at the altar that we were doing the right thing. (At the outset, we had grilled each other on our expectations, hopes, opinions and beliefs- not easy, but so worth it!)

By the wedding, we were infatuated. Then we began to fall in love in earnest. We began to learn how deeply we felt for each other. And I am still learning how awesome my prince is as he sacrifices his interests to make me comfortable every day.

My life is currently beautiful! I wake up excited to face each new day. My beloved makes it possible so handsomely for me to tend the little house, nurture the toddler, play in the kitchen, and still have some time to pursue my own interests. I feel like a lady- an aristocrat of some sort, because I don't have to bring home a paycheck to earn my bread. And my heart leaps when I feel the next little one kick or poke me from within.

Are we really doing people ill by loving this?


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