I grew up in one of those Judeo-Christian homes that apparently strike terror in the hearts of the likes of Betty Friedan, Alan Grayson and Kathryn Joyce. My parents never had sex until they got married to each other. Theirs is an enduring...

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

A New Game- Round 1

I'll print the candidate statement from the California Voter Information Guide, and you guess the party affiliation.

Double the minimum wage!

-Lieutenant Governor

c)Peace and Freedom
d)Natural Law
e)American Independent

Having been elected to the State Board of Equalization seven years ago and having served one year on the Franchise Tax Board, I am in a position to understand the state's economic and revenue situation. An ever increasing percentage of state bond interest payments is consuming a larger and larger portion of the state's budget. The needs are now acute for more state funding for education and other services, and this puts pressure on to increase all taxes including personal and corporate income taxes as well as the state sales taxes. Any increase in those taxes will cause a stall in the California economy and may cause businesses to leave the state. The state is already way too deep in debt. To solve part of the problem the State Treasurer must go before the Legislature to oppose all but the most vital bond issues! Second, I have held the NASD Security Licenses Series 7, Registered Representative, as well as the Registered Principle and Financial Principle Licenses, so with an understanding of the financial markets I want to eliminate dealing with the "Middle Men" from "Wall Street" that receive hundreds of millions of dollars in underwriting fees and instead have our bonds underwritten by California-based brokerage firms. Not only will the State save hundreds of millions of dollars, but California will receive taxes from these California-based firms. I seek your vote and have been endorsed by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers organization, and many leading state legislators.


c)Peace and Freedom
d)Natural Law
e)American Independent

California's electoral system needs a complete overhaul, not bandages! We must ensure our Legislature mirrors the political beliefs of all voters by using proportional representation; Eliminate spoiler candidates through Instant Runoff Voting; Provide equal public financing to qualified candidates, regardless of party; Demand that all votes are accurately counted and voting machines produce voter verified paper ballots; Allow election day registration; Encourage prisoners to become responsible citizens by allowing them to vote in state elections-I am a Financial Advisor with a Ph.D. from MIT in ecosystems analysis. Read more about my plan for electoral reform in the book, California Under Corporate Rule.

-Secretary of State

c)Peace and Freedom
d)Natural Law
e)American Independent


Anonymous Anonymous said...

o.k. I'll take a stab at it.

The first one was the Green Party I think.

The second guy sounds good. I hopr it was the American Indepentent.

The last guy sounds like a Green too.

How'd I do?

11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOH I missed something. On the second one, he said "Having been on the State Board of Equalization and the Franchise Tax Board" so he's probably a Republican?

11:41 PM  

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