New Game- Round 2
"For years, the sick and terminally ill have been arrested, jailed, and imprisoned for taking the medication of their choice. Even doctors, who have written recommendations for alternative medical herbs, have suffered the same fate. As Lieutenant Governor, I will stop this travesty. As a caregiver for over 13 years, I will work to stop this practice to incarcerate the ill and the dying. Medical cannabis was approved by the voters in 1996, and I promise to stop the federal government from overstepping their powers to interfere in medical choice. I will work to stop the waste of millions of taxpayers' dollars on programs that only help politicians gain more control over our lives. I will seek complete access to medicinal herbs which has relieved the suffering of thousands. Further, if elected I will promote the use of industrial hemp to help farmers and communities survive in tough econonic times. I will seek environmental reforms to authorize new energy sources, especially those derived from the oil of hemp seeds. But most of all, I want to ensure that citizens and their rights are not abused by heartless bureaucrats, unjust laws, and heavy-handed state legislators. It has always been my opinion that government should be a referee and not a player in society. We need leadership that will foster the right of citizens and their freedom to be left alone. But I cannot do this alone. I will need your vote if you want me to make sweeping changes in Sacramento."
-Lieutenant Governor
c)Peace and Freedom
d)Natural Law
e)American Independent
"Fair elections, stop corruption!"
-Secretary of State
c)Peace and Freedom
d)Natural Law
e)American Independent
"Political Right is, immediately, from God and, necessarily, inherent in the nature of man."
-Lieutenant Governor
c)Peace and Freedom
d)Natural Law
e)American Independent
"---- for Governor: A fresh voice--a different approach. Leadership, management, and common sense. Education: Advanced Engineering Degrees. Our Socio-Economic and Political Fabric Is Torn; Under My Leadership, We Well Mend It. Tired of Big-Money Politics? Balancing Budgets on Your Backs? Reduced Benefits; Increasing Tuition, Taxes, and Healthcare Costs. Had enough? My first 12 months in office: I will Enact Sweeping Policy Changes to Energize the Economy. Increase State Employees' Salaries and Benefits, Sponsor 4-day State Employees' work-week, staggered over 5-Business days. Promote Job Growth; Link Business Tax Cuts to Increased employment. Levy Taxes on Outsourced Overseas Products and Services. Streamline Regulations: Unnecessary paperwork--gone. Application processes--simplified. Enforce environmental Measures. I humbly ask for your vote."
c)Peace and Freedom
d)Natural Law
e)American Independent
"California's budget crisis exists only because of tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Today the poorest Californians pay a tax rate 57% higher than millionaires. See People are becoming fed up with the needless war, unfair taxes, cutbacks, corruption, global warming, the decline of our schools, violations of civil liberties, the death penalty, three strikes, and weakening of women's rights. While our economy has more than doubled, the minimum wage has declined since 1968 from $9.40 to $6.75, and ninety percent of our people have had no rise in income in thirty years. The two corporate parties' answer is to beat up on immigrants and promote wars over oil. These issues are covered in detail in my new book, California Under Corporate Rule. African Americans and Latinos are increasingly voting for us. Just watch the internal debate and confusion among the Democrats. I believe our slogan, a Million Votes for Peace, is realistic. We are working to grow and transforn our party into a party of the people of California. Join us, check out our web sites. Let's keep our party independent of the ---- by voting for ---- committed to keeping the ---- Party ---- for our county council seats."
c)Peace and Freedom
d)Natural Law
e)American Independent
"I'm for taxing profits, not wages, to fund housing, education, and health care for all."
c)Peace and Freedom
d)Natural Law
e)American Independent
"California's Lieutenant Governor must be ready to assume the office of Governor at a moment's notice. This responsibility demands a person who knows every inch of our state government. It requires a person who is willing to speak up for the forgotten taxpayer and to confront the spending lobby that now dominates Sacramento. During the recal election, I set forth a comprehensive plan to restore California as the land of opportunity that we once knew, and a Lt. governor, I intend to pursue that plan. For nearly 25 years I have fought for the reforms necessary to roll back the taxes that are crushing our families, to rein in the bureaucracies that are wasting our money, to reduce the regulations that are destraying our economy, to oppose the illegal immigration that is depressign our workers' wages, and to restore our long-neglected public works. I am spearheading the effort to stop government from seizing the property of one citizen for the private gain of another. I lead the campaign to rebate excessive tax collections to California families. I began the movement to abolish California's car tax. And I have battled waste and fraud in both ---- and ---- administrations. I have devoted my career to fighting for the fiscal reforms needed to save our state and protect working families."
-Lieutenant Governor
c)Peace and Freedom
d)Natural Law
e)American Independent
Now that you've guessed the party affiliation, were there any candidates you would vote for?