
I grew up in one of those Judeo-Christian homes that apparently strike terror in the hearts of the likes of Betty Friedan, Alan Grayson and Kathryn Joyce. My parents never had sex until they got married to each other. Theirs is an enduring...

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bulletin to the Fans of Ron Paul

1.1 million Americans voted for Ron Paul during the 2008 primary season. Paul's fans gave over $34 million toward his presidential campaign. The Ron Paul Campaign's YouTube channel got something like 15 million views. Another significant online discussion of Ron Paul supporters was seeing 10,000 participants at a time!

Imagine where this country could go if Ron Paul's passionate supporters take this energy and run with it. Ron Paul has been imagining.


Enjoy. And vote for a patriot near you.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Little and Late

On County Central Committee:

If you're in Assembly District 46 (Democrat, Michael Aldapa),

Anthony Cinelli is running for County Central Committee as a write-in candidate.

He is a qualified write-in. If you write him in, your vote will be counted.

He is very strongly pro-life, and committed to a return to the Constitutional limits of government. He's an ardent supporter of Ron Paul. Standing on principle is huge, in his words. "We supported Ron Paul because he stood on principle. He didn't vote according to whether or not he liked a bill. He voted according to principle."

If you're in Assembly District 60 (recently vacated by Bob Huff, and contested by Republicans Curt Hagman and Larry Dick),

Tom Vinson, a soft-spoken courrier, is also running for CCC as a qualified write-in candidate (ditto above). He is (from his own flier), pro-life, pro-liberty, pro-sound money, and pro-honest, Constitutional government (in that order). He also commits to work against illegal immigration and to ensure our Iraq war veterans get the proper care when they come home. Vinson was also inspired to run through his interest in the Ron Paul campaign.

Also in AD 60, Chris Dortignac, a principled, passionate conservative, advocates a strong adherence to the U.S. Constitution and Californian one, and to the original vision our founders had of limited government and personal responsibility. Dortignac is pro-life, no exceptions. He is also a fervent campaigner for Ron Paul.